Mobile & Web App Development
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Mobile & Web App Development: Dynamic Discovery & Build
This is the fun part. You, as the product owner, will be involved every step along the way to assure you’re product gives you the expected value. Before we begin any project together, EvoDynamic needs to understand your business or organization’s software desires. We conduct this Dynamic Discovery together in a series of planned interactions – click the link at the bottom right to schedule a call right away.
After the Dynamic Discovery, we have a common understanding of your business and a decision that building software is the best option for you, we’re ready to build your app(s). You’ll have an exact price of the software and the value it will provide your organization.
The process as you can guess by the name consists of two phases: Dynamic Discovery and Build.
Software Development: Dynamic Discovery
The cost for the Dynamic Discovery will be a fraction of the cost of the final software project. It sets the stage for the entire software solution you have in mind.
The five steps of the Dynamic Discovery lead us to a validated functional mockup to be use in the Build Phase. The Dynamic Discovery includes five steps and includes your interaction for each step.
Step 1 - Idea Web: Actors, Things, & Actions (ATAs)
Creating the software idea web consists of making three lists: Actors, Things, and Actions (the ATAs) from your business or organization. The Actors are people, tools and systems that do things in your company or project. Documents, orders, equipment, email, SMS are just a few of the possible Things. As we create the list of Actors and Things, the Actions show themselves i.e. “user saves picture.” The Actions act as the glue connecting the Actors and Things resulting in improved effiency in your company or value for your customers.
Step 2 - Scope: Identification of Scope (MVP)
With a living and growing Idea Web of the Actors, Things, and Actions in your business, We identify which parts will be included or represented in the software. We prioritize the Actions that the software will do, manage, or control.
We highlight the portion of the Idea Web that contains the parts of your business or process that the software improves or introduces to your systems and processes. With the scope or minimum viable product (MVP) defined, the time comes to create flow diagrams.
Step 3 - Flow Diagram: Process Flow & Business Rules
Now that we have identified the Actions, Things, and Actors included in the software and defined the MVP, we create a decision tree. A workflow that explains the business rules and the entire process handled or managed by the software.
We determine what permissions and roles are required within the system. We connect the roles and business rules to define available workflows for each Actor according to their role(s).
Step 4 - Mockups: Design the User Interface
With the flow defined it’s easy to mockup each user interface in the process following the flow from beginning to end. Incorporating the business rules and branching for each separate choice along the way. Having a design that is easy to use and show people enables you to demonstrate and share the tool with your team, customers, or investors.
The mockups are easy to share in order receive feedback from potential users. Plus, they’re easy to change and revise to create the most value in the end product. This is your product prototype.
Step 5 - Validation: Test the Value for the Business or Your Customers
By validating your product, you confirm that it solves the problem it was created for and that your team or your customers can understand its value. Take the working model of the software and share it with them. Get their feedback and understanding of how it will work for them, improve their life, and provide value.
This feedback is valuable because it is easy to go back and revise the Flow Diagram and Mockups.
The prototype is easy to share in order receive feedback from potential users. Plus, it’s easy to change and revise to create the most value in the end product.
Software to be used:
In Your Business or Organization
If your program was built for your own business use, test it with the team members who would actually use the software. They know best what the problem is that you’re working to solve, current processes, and how the team functions.
As an Entreprenuerial Product
If you are making this program for others, use the mockups as a presales marketing tool. If potential clients see the value of your project, they may show their interest by pre-purchasing or investing, thereby providing the capital you need to develop the app(s).
At the conclusion of the Dynamic Discovery, we have a clear vision of the software to be built. And we have validated that it will provide value to your company, organization, or customers. EvoDynamic delivers you a fixed cost offer of 1 or more options for building the software and guarantees that it will work! Try and find that anywhere else. You have no obligation to build the designed software. When you’re ready we begin the Build Phase.
Software Development: Build
The Build Phase offers even more fun as we take our functional mockups, the prototype and turn it into the real thing. We will build each component and step in the design using an agile process. This means you get to look at and test the app(s) along the way. Continually finding improvements and optimizations that can improve the design beyond what we first anticipated.
As we build and test each function and workflow in your application in a testing or staging environment you can invite your team in to experience and contribute to the future application. Involving your team in the Design and the Build phases of development increases the buy-in and ownership held by the stakeholders.
This iterative process will continue until we have built the entire design. With a completed build or completed section, we make a deployment plan for your application. The application or section will be deployed to a production environment and launched for your team or customers.
Software Maintenance & Enhancement
Now that you have the software in place, you sit at ease because EvoDynamic guarantees it’s software. And you think of the next features, tools, and business intelligence you’d like to add to your app. You made a wise decision in choosing EvoDynamic to be on your team. You put yourself in a position for an accelerated Dynamic Discovery for expanding your application(s)–adding new features. In the diagram above, it’s time for evolution and EvoDynamic will be there to ensure your success.